Guest Lecture in Paris on 15.01.2020

Prof. René Bloch (Bern): "Le buste de Flavius Josèphe à Copenhague : l’histoire d’une erreur"
Lecture begins at 2pm on 15.01.2020, at the Amphithéâtre Molinié, Maison de la recherche, 28 rue Serpente, Paris 6e (Further details:
BMZ Lecture Series Autumn 2020
"Fremdbilder – Selbstbilder: Juden und Christen im Mittelalter"
Thirteen lectures by Bernese, Swiss, and international scholars will explore how Christians and Jews presented themselves and each other in the Middle Ages. Confirmed speakers: Marion Aptroot (Düsseldorf), Daniel Barbu (Paris), Karin Kogman-Appel (Münster), Maria Lissek (Bern), Rainer Schwinges (Bern), Kristin Skottki (Bayreuth), David Stern (Harvard)